Saturday, August 15, 2009

the case of the moving girl

oh dang it, im moving.
oh wait, i already did, suckkkkaaa.

next step, moving to murray.
hah, if i could even get any money.
i need a second job, maybe even a third one.

things im aspiring to accomplish:
being better at thinking of funny romantic things to say.
developing patience.
being better at homework.
fixing this stomach problem.
obtaining a large amount of money.

please keep me in check on this. any assistance will be accepted.

on the other hand, these are the things i want to brag about:
my hair.
the fact that i got an excellent job.
my survival to the age of 21.



Matthew R. Hall, Esq. said...

Wait moving wtf?

So, was your step you took moving to Murray, or are you planning to move to Murray, or...?

Also good job at not dying before 21. It's hard sometimes.

christene said...

no. i was contemplating moving in with a friend but i cant until i save up some moniess.