Sunday, June 14, 2009

so far these are my favorite things about this summer

pushing daisies
pop tarts
bike rides
tan skin
dancing to hi hater

price is right

hold on.

p.s. im going to look back at my blogs when im older and really make fun of myself. really. recent ones mostly in particular. also everything i do most days. like when i was at the 90s party yesterday and i thought, wow, im going to make fun of myself for this and almost everything else i do when i am older. maybe even in 2 years.

My Birthday is in a Month. From Today.

There should be blog rules.
1. posting blogs that are one line and repeat the title are lame.
ok. im guilty of an occasional one line blog. only because i think that sometimes i am funny. but when you are serious i am making fun of you, because usually they are pointless and tacky.
2. terrible misspellings.
i was tempted to spell that wrong.
3.only have a married person blog if you are planning on me making fun of it.
sometimes they are interesting..... if you like knowing what the person made for every meal of the day. However, keep them coming because i need the entertainment
4. plan on blogs like these.
because im a brat.


im almost 21.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

in case you were wondering

the other day i admitted to my mother that i had a blog.
suprisingly, she was suprised.
and i just used the 2 same words on purpose, ok.
she was defending blog users because someone was bashing on them.
"blogs are like a record" my mother said.
and i said. i have one.
so i guess since my blog is like a record [ thats probably not the exact words she used] that I should write more, or less, or more stuff that is substantial and less that is hi, ilove blog, bye. but i will not be boring. im just saying. [here i go.... this is what i mean, blahhhh]
so i was on price is right,
i went to california,
i went to a crazy dance party tonight that i was sure i would leave early but was one of the last to leave...,
went to an institute dance yesterday,
thats all for now.
also i listened to the carpenters in my car all weekend.