blogs are ideal in your head. computers are so in. no one writes anymore. heck. if you wrote out an essay your teacher would just raise his eyebrow at you. so.... blog! you can type out your feelings and the internet keeps it all organized for you. you can find out odd things. Howser would be so jealous. So its like a journal right? except, unlike a journal, i cant let it slip that i have secret crushes on my friends, or discuss my terrible co worker. i cant really express my insecurities without looking like i need validation. so, blog, thanks a lot for denying me of my childhood journal entries. all they ever consisted of were: im grounded today, life sucks. and-- i have a crush on chris, but jeremy bugs me. now i can just type out lame jokes that i heard that day or recent improvements in my life.
just to be a rebel: i have a secret crush on my friend, my coworkers treat me like im 16, and my stomach hurts. so there.
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