"are you communist?"
"why not."
i almost said, im a socialist.
[which they would have equally been pleased with.]
all i wanted to know was how the idea of socialism has effected or caused new ideas, or who's ideals of socialism have made more radical effects. for example. there was a socialist who took his ideas and made a new theory based on socialism but more effective. rather simple, because i think that there is more than one person who effectively twisted socialism into his own theories.
i just wanted to hear a revolutionist tell me their own views on this, whether i knew it or not, and they were just getting annoyed with me and my bad wording of questions.
i bet they were thinking- omg this wanna be blonde has no clue what she is talking about and i hope she never comes to our club. i really did make a fool of myself. ii just wanted to have a conversation with someone who was not a ultra conservative Uta[rd. sorry.] And i was not just talking to them because i had a crush on the boy who doesnt really know how to explain much or what political category he belongs to but knows he is not going to school and hates capitalism.
either way, they gave me a rad pin.
viva socialism!
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