I swore off blogging/er/spot/ whatever. But then I caved in. i caaaaaved innn.
Jk i didnt. I am so over blogging. but im still tumblring. http://christenelovesinternets.tumblr.com so if you wanna see lame things i post and blurbs [hahaha blurb] of odd thoughts, that is your place. Im going to keep my ideas private for now. but maybe in the future i will blog again.
maybe when im a mom and want to share all my meals and baby puke stories. [ha notttt]
ksee ya!
and maybe ill keep blogstalking you, and maybe i WONT.
things i think are funny: *people who wear ironic tshirts, but they wear them seriously. which i suppose makes them not ironic. just embarrassing. [well.. most ironic tshirts are just embarrassing no matter what.] the voices in my head... *that britney spears is still making music. terrible, terrible music.... *the word 'obvi,' which is obvi not a word, just an abbreviation- *that there are nc-17 movies on netflix [ok. not funny, more disturbed.]
things i really like: *these new rad tissues my ma bought me with vicks in them. *microwave kettlecorn *the wallpaper on my phone.
things that creep me out: *facebook *when i accidentally get perfume up my nose
on that note, im really ready for 2011, and in that year maybe i will blog more. because its not that i dont have the time... i just fail to write down my ideas. and i would not be doing myself a favor if i did not type out my ideas. for myself. [mostly because my handwriting is terrible the older i get and i dont know if i will even be able to read it in a year. but i should work on that for my school notes.....]
and yes, im going back to school in the winter. heyyyyyaaa